Every time the assholes in my post title open their mouths, they justify and validate all of my posts on the stupidity and hypocrisy of the average democrap. In the last week Debbie "greasy hair" Wasserman Schultz, Nazi Pelousy, and other democraps have opined on Mitt Romney's Swiss bank accounts and alleged outsourcing of jobs via his tenure at Bain Capital.
All this shit is coming from a group of dems with very very dirty hands. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has made more than a couple of bucks investing in Asian markets AND in Swiss bank accounts. Nazi Pelousy has also done the same fucking thing. Factor in the shenanigans of Charlie Rangel, Marxine Waters, Chris Dodd, Bawney Fwank, and you could come to the conclusion the entire democrat party is corrupt ALONG with being lying hypocritical sacks of shit.
I have no problem with anyone using their brains and financial expertise to make a LEGAL buck. I would do the same. What is pissing me off is the "holier than thou" bullshit streaming out of the DNC and from other dems when they do the same exact thing.
The dems have blood and dirt on their hands and they need to SHUT THE FUCK UP or else do some serious explaining to the American people. I'm sick and tired of ALL of our lying politicians who point fingers while being guilty of the same fucking thing! Fuck you Nazi Pelousy and the Prius you rode in on. And the same goes for all your progressive lying douchebag (redundancy check) asshole friends in Congress and the DNC!
Revolution anyone?
Hypocrites. But, being a hypocrite will be the least of their worries when the corruption charges start.
I hope you're right kerrcarto. IMO the whole lot ought to be fucking hung. If we get Omama out in November and take back the Senate my guess is the republicans will back off and leave things be.
But If Eric Holder drops dead tomorrow I'd be willing to make a special trip back East just to piss on his grave.
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