Jim Carrey - one of my favorite skumbags earns the coveted "Douchebag" award this month for his "art". He earned it. Enjoy your prize jim. Here he is below receiving and examining the prize. "Hey jim - open it up and check it out."
Friday, January 29, 2021
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Many, if not most of the social media sites are now proudly flying the flags featuring the Swastika, Hammer and Sickle, Moon and Star, whatever. Name your poison. I wonder how long it will be before email is fully censored. These are scary times in America and the world. Don't think it could happen to you? Think again. I just got banned from Breitbart for the fourth time for criticizing the mods. Not for inciting violence or any other nefarious acts. For criticizing the mods. Bare in mind that Breitbart was once a Conservative site. It's swinging left fast. And it's not alone. Keep that in mind if you post there. You may be next.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Democreep Approved Weapons
Here's an old image I created that deserves a "bump" due to the assholes currently running for the democapic party Presidential nomination. It's six years old so I updated the text but the song, or in this case, the image remains the same. Special mention goes to kameltoe harris for mentioning an end-around to the Constitution through "executive action" in her "administration" along with eric swallowell who proposed a gun buyback. He mentioned jail time for those who don't comply with his idiocy. This my friends is what will happen if a demcreep is returned to power - God forbid.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
What? Me Worry?
President Trump comes up with another moniker. This time it's for Pete Bootygag. Considering some of mayor pete's strange beliefs and rationalizations on Christianity, it fits.
Friday, July 20, 2018
Lies, Lies, And Demorats
As I type this post, Tucker Carlson is featuring one of his favorite democrap sycophants, Richard Goodstein, who (as usual) is driveling out a puke puddle of his favorite lies. The subject is the response of Peter Strok and his explanation of his text of the emails to Lisa Page.
Goodstein would have us believe that one and one equals three, the Sun only rises on odd numbered days, and bull cattle give milk. In other words huge lies. I don't know what pisses me more about Goodstein, his lies or the stupid smirk that normally appears on his lying face. What's the old expression - "don't piss on me and tell me it's raining". That's Goodstein, and to be a bit of a stereotypist, the entire democrat party.
I sincerely hope Tucker quits putting this asshole before the camera but I guess it serves a purpose - to show the world what a pack of liars demcraps can be and what a lying clown Goodstein IS.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Friday, January 16, 2015
Today's Silly Java Applet Puzzle
Here's another one of my Java Applet puzzles to pass the time after you get disgusted reading the daily news coming out of Washington D.C. and the rest of the world. You only have twenty minutes to finish the challenge or the page will refresh and you'll have to start over with the puzzle. Have fun. Just click here or on the Rudy image to begin.
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Solve The Rudy Puzzle To See & Hear A Special Message |
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
I Wonder How Long This Will Take To Go Viral
Rotterdam Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb has a short and sweet message to his fellow muslims on the meaning of freedom. If you take any time at all in your life to watch a YouTube video here is that time. And it only takes a minute to watch. This man gets it and he is my new HERO!
His simple message leads me to my point; why in the world would muslims leave their various shit-hole countries, immigrate to the west and or other places where freedom AND life has value, and then try and destroy the very places that initially welcomed them? If I hated my wife I would divorce her. If I hated my job I would find another. If I were fifty pounds overweight I would diet. The logic is so simple Stevie Wonder could see it.
So my simple message to the muslims of the world who can't seem to get along with anyone, including other muslims is this - if you hate your host countries so much get the fuck out and go back to the sand and mountains of your Mother lands. You won't be missed. I don't expect Beerry Hussein Soetero Neville Chamberlain Goebbels Omama to ever express himself as eloquently as Mayor Aboutaleb since he doesn't have the guts so I will do it for him. Go back to the Middle East or wherever it is you came from if you hate the West so much Mr Muslim. We don't need or want you. How's that?
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Cowardice And Hollywood - Nothing New Here
The recent capitulation from Sony Pictures to the NOKO's is nothing new. They have been self-censoring themselves when it comes to Islam for the last thirteen years. Since 9/11/2001, Hollywood has gone way out of their way to kiss muslim ass and not offend Allah. I'm talking about NOT showing Islam in an unfavorable light when it comes to terrorism. It's called being a Dhimmi and basically means to submit to Islam for non-muslims in the form of obedience or taxes. If it involves ISIS it could mean losing one's head. Either way this shit coming out of Tinsel Town is nothing new. The only target they'll have left after bowing to Political Correctness will be Nazis and old white guys. They've always been fair game and easy targets for the PC jerks in Hollywood anyway, especially when it comes to offending anyone white and male.
I find it highly ironic that before the World Trade Centers were knocked down Hollywood made a ton of money and movies making fun of Muslims and depicting them as barbarians and blood-lusting killers who flew around on magic carpets. And after the terrorists actually carry out a monstrous and heinous attack for real, Hollywood pulls the plug on the so-called stereotypes and muslime cliches. It would be comical if it wasn't so chicken-shit. With the exception of the "Taken" movies and a couple of other obscure films I can't recall just now, you won't see Muslims portrayed in a negative light at all. Sounds like censorship to me. It doesn't matter who imposes it.
I gave a nice little example five years ago in a post of what Rolland Emmerich had to say about his movie "2012" when he destroyed damn near every major city, country, and continent on Earth with the exception of anything "Islamic". When Emmerich addressed the issue he confessed he was terrified of having a Fatwa issued had he shown any Muslim landmarks such as Medina or Mecca being destroyed. Does this sound familiar. It's parallel to what just happened to Sony with the NOKO's.
But this time, the story is; Sony was supposedly hacked and openly threatened by the fat little lard-ass Kink Junk Unc who currently leads North Korea. At least that's what Sony and our government claim. Personally I believe the Chinese may be behind this and the movie was just an excuse to test their hacking skills for some future nefarious project. There are bigger targets for the Asian hackers than some dumb-ass movie about the fat little shit running the soap opera country known as North Korea. My true sympathies lie with the people of North Korea who have to eat grass and weeds to survive, not with the politically correct assholes in Hollywood who are scared of their own shadows. They asked for this years ago.
So before everyone feels any sympathy for Hollywood don't forget they have been doing this to themselves for years in the form of not offending anyone Muslim or listed among their other victim groups. Click on the link to my old post above and you'll be able to read several examples I offered. This is nothing new and I don't give a shit if Sony loses every dime on this dumb-ass flick they now won't release. They set the precedent themselves years ago. Now they can lay in their own bed they helped make. The movie will hit the net in torrent form anyway as soon as someone gets a hold of screener to post. Just my prediction.
I find it highly ironic that before the World Trade Centers were knocked down Hollywood made a ton of money and movies making fun of Muslims and depicting them as barbarians and blood-lusting killers who flew around on magic carpets. And after the terrorists actually carry out a monstrous and heinous attack for real, Hollywood pulls the plug on the so-called stereotypes and muslime cliches. It would be comical if it wasn't so chicken-shit. With the exception of the "Taken" movies and a couple of other obscure films I can't recall just now, you won't see Muslims portrayed in a negative light at all. Sounds like censorship to me. It doesn't matter who imposes it.
I gave a nice little example five years ago in a post of what Rolland Emmerich had to say about his movie "2012" when he destroyed damn near every major city, country, and continent on Earth with the exception of anything "Islamic". When Emmerich addressed the issue he confessed he was terrified of having a Fatwa issued had he shown any Muslim landmarks such as Medina or Mecca being destroyed. Does this sound familiar. It's parallel to what just happened to Sony with the NOKO's.
But this time, the story is; Sony was supposedly hacked and openly threatened by the fat little lard-ass Kink Junk Unc who currently leads North Korea. At least that's what Sony and our government claim. Personally I believe the Chinese may be behind this and the movie was just an excuse to test their hacking skills for some future nefarious project. There are bigger targets for the Asian hackers than some dumb-ass movie about the fat little shit running the soap opera country known as North Korea. My true sympathies lie with the people of North Korea who have to eat grass and weeds to survive, not with the politically correct assholes in Hollywood who are scared of their own shadows. They asked for this years ago.
So before everyone feels any sympathy for Hollywood don't forget they have been doing this to themselves for years in the form of not offending anyone Muslim or listed among their other victim groups. Click on the link to my old post above and you'll be able to read several examples I offered. This is nothing new and I don't give a shit if Sony loses every dime on this dumb-ass flick they now won't release. They set the precedent themselves years ago. Now they can lay in their own bed they helped make. The movie will hit the net in torrent form anyway as soon as someone gets a hold of screener to post. Just my prediction.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Stop Crying Wolf Pravda And Do Your Job!
Watch the following video by Christina Hoff Sommers. She is what feminism should be about. Her extensive writings on what Feminist Nazis are doing to the boys of America are real eye openers. Here in the video below she weighs in on the rape hysteria that is infecting Pravda and America's college campuses.
As the title of this post suggests, crying wolf (and RAPE) too many times will hurt the REAL victims of sexual assault in America. Real crimes against women will not be believed if this shit keeps up. And as with of today's many politically correct story lines, we can place a huge amount of blame on American Pravda. Keep it up media and your readers won't believe it when you predict the sunrise.
As the title of this post suggests, crying wolf (and RAPE) too many times will hurt the REAL victims of sexual assault in America. Real crimes against women will not be believed if this shit keeps up. And as with of today's many politically correct story lines, we can place a huge amount of blame on American Pravda. Keep it up media and your readers won't believe it when you predict the sunrise.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Who's The Real Chicken-Shit?
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Bibi The Man vs A Choom Toking Boy: Click To Enlarge |
I don't know who actually called Bibi Netanyahu a "chicken-shit" but my money is on Omama... or else his beady-eyed little sack-of-shit of an advisor Valerie Jarrett. But a great case can be made in favor of either one of these slimy bastards being the culprit.
Omama is more likely than not seriously jealous of Bibi since he's what's considered in this day of metrosexual males as a real man and not a candy-ass such as Omama. It's just a guess but outside of being towel slapped on the ass in the showers at school or being hammered in Dodge Ball, Omama has never probably never had a physical encounter with another man in his entire life. I'm sure Omama's Sow of a wife Moochelle can (and probably does) kick his sissy ass on any given day. Any woman with feet and arms that big is not to be messed with.
The case for Valerie Jarrett is a bit deeper. She was born in Iran and probably has some serious ties to the people and culture that will never be erased... hence her open support of the Persians and the joke of a nuclear treaty they both are contemplating. And along with her candy-ass of a boss, she too despises our Military. But for either one of these traitors in the White House to refer to Bibi Netanyahu as a chicken-shit is the ultimate irony. Neither one of these assholes would ever bare arms in defense of our country. But they are gladly "transforming" our service men and women into Eunuchs via the social engineering they have forced on our troops.
As for Bibi Netanyahu - he's a veteran of the IDF along with his late brother Yoni who was the leader and the lone Israeli Military casualty of the successful raid on Entebe back in 1976. For all of Israel's citizens service in the IDF (with the exception of Arabs for obvious reasons) is mandatory. Omama despises our Armed Forces along with our men and women who serve. I'm sure it's a reminder of his own lack of patriotism and basic cowardice. I'm sure he feels the same way about the IDF too. Especially the women who serve. Any woman in the IDF could probably give his skinny ass a serious beat-down if necessary. And Omama knows it.
Who's your money on? My guess is Jarrett. But it doesn't matter. General Valerie pulls the strings for this sissy-man sitting in the oval office with his big feet on the Resolute Desk. He, along with his bitch Jarrett have NO respect for anything traditional or what may be considered sacred. I pray I live long enough to see this trash put curbside in 2016. They both belong in the garbage and in three short days America has a chance to begin cleaning house by tossing out some of the other trash in congress. Tuesday will be a red letter day.
Study the photo above and tell me who you feel is the chicken-shit. It's a tough choice (sarcasm off) but you can bet your last dollar that one of these reeking assholes used the phrase. We may never know for sure but we do know how both of these shit-stains feel about America. They're both "chicken-shit" personified. Bibi Netanyahu is a REAL man.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Wild Bill On "Moderate" Muslims
Hardnox, blog leader and owner extraordinaire posted this Wild Bill video over on Nox & Friends this morning and I thought I'd pass it on. As usual, Wild Bill nails it right on the knat's ass. If there were ever an oxymoron it's the term "Moderate Muslims". Just where in the hell are these moderate practitioners of the "Religion of Peace?" I'd like to know.
Final Musings: I have several Muslim acquaintances I deal with on a business basis and they're always quite honest and friendly. The only thing is; there is always a quiet and pensive thought in the back of my mind when I deal with these people. Would they allow some fellow radical muslim to chop off my head without a word of protest for some perceived offense to Allah just because the Koran mandates it? Would they speak up in defense of my life? I'll always wonder. For some reason I don't feel this way about my Sikh, Jewish, Hindu, and Christian friends and associates. Now why is that?
Final Musings: I have several Muslim acquaintances I deal with on a business basis and they're always quite honest and friendly. The only thing is; there is always a quiet and pensive thought in the back of my mind when I deal with these people. Would they allow some fellow radical muslim to chop off my head without a word of protest for some perceived offense to Allah just because the Koran mandates it? Would they speak up in defense of my life? I'll always wonder. For some reason I don't feel this way about my Sikh, Jewish, Hindu, and Christian friends and associates. Now why is that?
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
My Java Puzzle For Today
Just do a simple browse through my other website(s) and you'll see I love Flash and Java Applets. I created a series of political puzzles on my other website during the 2012 Presidential campaign. Here's a fun one below that will take you to a special message upon completion. Check on the link on my sidebar to the right and you'll find a link to my other political page that includes comments and puzzles that lead to messages, videos, and other sites. And remember to read the directions on each puzzle. They're all on a timer and must be finished within the allotted time-span or you'll have to start over. Click on the John Wayne image below or here to get started. Have fun.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
1 + 1 = The Fourth
Happy Birthday America - from Lee Greenwood and X
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