Saturday, May 12, 2012

Congwadulations Bawney! Here's My Gift To You!

Hot off the pwesses comes this wonderful news. Bawney Fwank announced his wedding pwans today. Here on the World Of Gweasywench we offer our congwaduwations and this wovely wedding gwift - some new fucking teeth! We didn't know where you were wegistered so we just took a stab at the gift.You certainly have a need for them.

Now that you're leaving the House Of Representatives here's a big fat fuck you (maybe I should rephrase that) and thanks for the memories along with the Big Dig, Dodd/Frank, the House Page Scandal, and an assortment of other lies and douchebaggery. You were an endless source of material for a simple old blogger.

What I can't understand is why you didn't use you wonderful taxpayer provided congressional dental plan and get some new teeth sooner. You've been spitting shitting on folks for too long.

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