Friday, June 8, 2012

The Real Lying Ass Bitch!

No, this isn't another Marxine Waters post. I'm referring to the Jimmy Fallon show and another "Lying Ass Bitch" - Berry Hussein Omama. 

Do you remember around six months ago when Michelle Bachman appeared on Fallon's late night show and the house "band" played the song "Lying Ass Bitch". My question/post is; when there are a plethora of lies coming out of politicians such as .... Berry Omama, why didn't Fallon and/or the media have the stones to target the real "Lying Ass Bitch"? Have we become so accustomed to Omama's lies that we've just come to the point where we accept and overlook them? If that's the case we're fucked in America.

Why this post now: I've just spent the morning reading various conservative blogs and websites along with the usual mainstream drivel and once again the major topic that keeps popping up over and over is the blatant dishonesty of the president. Do we have our first "serial liar" president? Whether you agree with Omama and his politics or not one fact can't be denied - the man is a liar of gargantuan proportions. All links highlighted are Google searches and the (millions) returns.

Some of the other terms I googled that are associated with Berry Omama (or is it Soetero) are "Potemkin President" and "Liar In Chief". I didn't make up these terms - millions of Americans did. There are literally millions and millions of hits with just a simple google search using this search criteria. Instead of the silly-ass bumper sticker chic used against George W. Bush such as "Bush lied - people died" or the "Petraeus Betray Us" bullshit coming from Moveon.Org we have hundreds of documents proving Omama's list of deceptions.

I HAVE to browse conservative blogs and sites to learn this info because the lame stream media REFUSE to report these stories. And yet a wanker such as Jimmy Fallon insulted and disrespected Michelle Bachman with his shitty band by playing the shitty tune and very few held his feet to the fire in the entertainment industry. More bias? Nahh...

I realize politicians lie. I've even come to expect it. But when they do, and when they're caught at it again and again and again, I expect the American people (forget the lame stream media) to hold them accountable - especially if it's a President. All of this leads me to the conclusion (duh) that progressives don't give a shit about America. It's all politics and power with liberals. The ridiculous comments following the recall vote in Wisconsin proves my point. And liberalism IS a mental disease.

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